Mew, Mew, Mew, Mew...

Mew, Mew, Mew, Mew...

Monkey knew she wanted a pet. She knew that meant taking allergy shots for the long haul.

Yessa knew she wanted a pet. She knew that meant waiting until after the trip to Italy.

They both knew having a pet meant more responsibility, more litter duty, more work.

The Buster didn’t want a pet. He was okay with that.

We got the supplies. Yessa cleaned out her room to ensure it would be kitty-proof.

The kitty area
The kitty area
Her upper bed with stuffed animals ready to welcome one of their kind.
Her upper bed with stuffed animals ready to welcome one of their kind.

Monkey made sure the kitty bed and toys were ready.

Supplies and heater ready for the new members of the family.
Supplies and heater ready for the new members of the family.

We tried to explain to Nutmeg what was going to happen and gave her lots of extra love. She’s pretty much deaf now, so we don’t think she heard us.

We knew we wanted to adopt from the organization we had fostered Hamlet from. The girls read through all the available cats for adoption. Monkey chose Waffles and Yessa selected Warm Kitty. We told the organization we’d like to have the copportunity to meet them today.

I tried to tell the girls that if they didn’t feel like it was a good fit when they met the kittens we didn’t have to bring them home.

They looked at me like I had two heads and a big bogie in my nose as they headed into Petco with their cat carriers ready.

Let's go bag us some kitties.
Let’s go bag us some kitties.

Waffles and Warm Kitty (Renamed MoonStar) are the newest residents in the Shoebox.

Waffles grabbed onto Monkey’s neck as soon as he met her and settled in with his loud purr.


MoonStar is the curious explorer her astronaut name implies. And after she explored every inch of the house, she settled in on a warm lap and snuggled down to sleep.

Meeting for the first time.
Meeting for the first time.
"I will sleep here."
“I will sleep here.”

Nutmeg remains unimpressed and unflappable.


Waffles spent much of the day snuggled on the futon in the basement between Buster and Monkey. He definitely needed more time to relax. By this evening he wandered his way upstairs (possibly with a little encouragement by being carried multiple times), and was climbing all over the cat scratching post.

He seems to be settling in.
He seems to be settling in.

He’s definitely the more talkative of the two. He’ll hiss at most anything, including himself in the mirror. Buds and I were just saying he reminds us so much of Chance, both in coloring, in volume of purrs, and the way he loves to snuggle.

MoonStar is bouncy, and skittery, and funny, and reminds me of a young Nutmeg with her laid back attitude when Waffles comes charging toward, hissing, in a hilarious attempt to seem tough.

Mr. Tough Guy is asleep on my lap as I type this. He wandered into our bedroom; hissed at me sitting on the bed; hissed at Nutmeg sleeping on her pillow on the chair; then climbed into my lap and started purring.

Much love and laughter ahead for all.