Italy Trip - Day # Last - It Is Finished.

Italy Trip - Day # Last - It Is Finished.

The Buster asked me to please be sure to write a blog post today to let people know we had arrived home safe and secure.

Several funny stories from the trip home, but I’ll just write about one in this post.

As we boarded our flight from Boston to Nash at 6:30 this morning, Monkey stopped as we entered the plane to let the flight attendants know that Southwest Air is her favorite airline. The attendant she spoke with took time to introduce Monkey to the pilots and to pass along her compliment to them.

During the flight the children shared with another attendant that we were on our way home from an extended visit to Italy. We talked about Italy, what they enjoyed, how excited they were to go home, etc.

As we prepared to land, the crew chief announced gate connections…all the standard information…then she said, “And I want to welcome Monkey and her family back to the U.S. after a long trip to Italy. Monkey’s favorite airline is SWA, and we are so glad she brought her family on board today.”

Buster and Yessa were giggling with excitement during the announcement, and I looked over at Monkey across the aisle to see what she thought.

She was leaning on Buddie’s shoulder, sound asleep and softly snoring.

Fame is such a fickle mistress.

A few loads of laundry, and we’ll be settled back in at home.

Thousands of pictures to follow in upcoming posts.

Smiling till the end.
Smiling till the end.