Italy Trip – Days 15-21 – Florence- Part 5- David...Here We Come.

Italy Trip – Days 15-21 – Florence- Part 5- David...Here We Come.

Showing the children “David” has been high on the list from the very beginning. We are not “crowd” people, so I’d been trying to figure out how to get us in without having to stand in line or be pushed around by vast volumes of other humans.

Bless Firenze’s heart, during the time we happened to be there, David’s Home, The Academy, was open until 11 p.m. on Saturday night’s to accommodate crowds.

We headed out on a rainy night, walked right in to the Academy, and explored for an hour or so.

The Ponte Vecchio at night.
The Ponte Vecchio at night.
Always hold hands.
Always hold hands.
We were a little wet.
We were a little wet.
Heading for The Duomo.
Heading for The Duomo.
Exploring the streets of Florence was great fun.
Exploring the streets of Florence was great fun.




The Duomo
The Duomo

There is much to see at The Academy.

The littles and I wandered into a musical instrument exhibit and learned that the first “upright” piano was, literally, a grand piano turned…upright.

Yup, it's upright.
Yup, it’s upright.


The last time Buds and I were in Italy, the busts were easier to get right up to.

Back when the faces were at eye level.
Back when the faces were at eye level.

Yessa and I attempted to revisit the pose anyway:


Different bust, same idea.
Different bust, same idea.

Monkey and I sat behind David and discussed the beauty, as well as the nakedness again.

Earlier in the trip, when we had seen the replica of David that’s housed outdoors at the end of the Ufizzi, Buster had commented on the outsized look of David’s hands, which was also intriguing to discuss.


There is so much beauty to see at The Academy, although David gets all the hype.



A relaxing stroll back across the river:



And one final gelato stop to end the evening:

One final stop
One final stop

A delightful introduction to one of the most famous pieces of art in the world.