Our Day In Boston- Italy Trip Day #2

Our Day In Boston- Italy Trip Day #2

We had a fine night of sleep in our Boston hotel. Grabbed some breakfast at Whole Foods, and headed down into the city. Buds was ready to settle in for some hours of work, and the children and I were headed to the Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum. It was the perfect mix of storytelling and interaction for us, with a large enough group that we could disappear into the crowd if needed.

We were each assigned an identity, and The Buster was tickled to learn that he was the local town “thug” who could be hired to encourage folks to support a cause. Yessa’s character was one of the witnesses to the “Boston Massacre,” and actually caught and held one of the five people shot as he died.

Introducing ourselves to Samuel Adams.
Introducing ourselves to Samuel Adams.
Waiting for our tour.
Waiting for our tour.
Waiting for our town meeting to begin. Our new identities are set, and we have our costumes in preparation for the tea party.
Waiting for our town meeting to begin. Our new identities are set, and we have our costumes in preparation for the tea party.
The boxes of tea were easily identified in the hold.
The boxes of tea were easily identified in the hold.

All three of our crew were chosen to toss the tea into the harbor, which they did with great enthusiasm…again…and again…and again.

In goes the tea!
In goes the tea!
Heave ho!
Heave ho!
Yessa makes a new friend.
Yessa makes a new friend.

After checking in with Buds and learning we still had several hours before we needed to head to the airport, we trooped to the Boston Children’s Museum. We had a splendid time here.

Pedal for power!
Pedal for power!
Starting their climb.
Starting their climb.
Two stories later.
Two stories later.
Examining the turtles from underneath.
Examining the turtles from underneath.
Testing each other with the "Blind Touch" cabinet.
Testing each other with the “Blind Touch” cabinet.

By the time we wrapped up here, everyone was tired and hungry, so a dinner at Au Bon Pain, then off to the airport.

Backpacked up.
Backpacked up.
Pretty perky and ready for adventure.
Pretty perky and ready for adventure.



Killing time, waiting for the rental car to be returned.
Killing time, waiting for the rental car to be returned.
Playing on the escalators.
Playing on the escalators.

And one last item: One of the great connectors for our family is humor. We all share a similar sense for what is funny, and it makes for some classic moments. The rest of the family had to point this one out to me, but we were all laughing:

Why is that poor person chained to the bathroom door?!
Why is that poor person chained to the bathroom door?!

Next stop…next day…next post…our five-hour layover in Instanbul before our flight to Milan.