Monkey Visits Grandma

Monkey Visits Grandma

Things work out, as they will. Monkey was the last child to recover from the dreaded plague that landed Buster with walking pneumonia and two of the three children on antibiotics for the first time ever. (And a walking pneumonia diagnosis and antibiotics for at least 2 of the children in the families we visited in Virginia. Our friends have amazingly huge hearts and forgiving spirits.)

Because of her wracking cough, we kept pushing back the trip to Iowa to deliver Monkey for an extended visit with my mom on her own. We HAD to make the trip because Mom was watching Nutmeg during our Italian adventure, and Nutmeg hates to fly alone, hence we had to drive her.

Gratefully, due to Monkey’s illness, we were home when Buds suffered a partial bicep tear while lifting impressively heavy weights. Uncle Z, Buster, Yessa, and I were able to drive and pick up Buds and the car from CrossFit and transport him safely home. Though we feared a full tear at first, his arm quickly improved, and a visit to a sports physician reassured us. He’s on his way to full recovery now.

Waiting for an X-Ray
Waiting for an X-Ray

Once we knew Buds could dress and drive himself, we finally began the journey over the river and through the woods.

Some good sleeping happened. Nutmeg’s back in that pile somewhere, too.

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The youngers and I had only two days at Grandma’s before we headed back home. The new minister was being installed at our church, and I could not miss that.

It was lovely and relaxing to be there. My great-nephew spent one of the days/nights with us, and it’s always fun to spend time with him or his brother.

He loves playing with Nutmeg.
He loves playing with Nutmeg.

I love my great nieces and nephews, all of them, but I am ever amazed by my nephew George Jr.’s sons. They have both looked exactly like him as a wee one, which brings such a pang of love to my heart. He was the sweetest little boy, and his offspring are no different.

He likes to be with the big kids.
He likes to be with the big kids.
Can't take the little kid out of the big one.
Can’t take the little kid out of the big one.
And the little one wants to join in.
And the little one wants to join in.
Play, play, play
Play, play, play

Checking on Nutmeg who was taking a break from being followed:

Whattcha' doin', Mutmeg?
Whattcha’ doin’, Mutmeg?

After the littles and I headed back to Buds, Monkey and Grandma would periodically send me updates:

Day 1 from Monkey:

It rained a lot. There was a flash flood warning out somewhere else in Iowa. Mom left at 6:00, I took a nap till 9:30, then we went to the library. I got Shel Silverstein and books on Genealogy. After that we went to a gas station. Grandma got coffee. I got sprite. Then we went to a nail salon and got manicures and pedicures. I got mine in silver with varnish-type stuff. Color number 74. Grandma got burgundy with varnish-stuff. It felt really weird, but good too. I’m scared I’m going to chip my nails. The feeling is very strange. That took 2 hours. Then we went to Hy-vee. I got to get a doughnut. Grandma got one too. We found a energy drink mix thing that I remembered from when we lived in Iowa. I used to love it. I discovered I still do. It is called Propel. Being here is kinda scary. I know I’m going to love it for the 9 days I have left here, but I’m still scared. Tomorrow Grandma is going to teach me to use the lawn mower. If it doesn’t rain. I hope it doesn’t. I miss home. I miss my own bed, even though I haven’t slept in it in weeks. I miss Mom. But I’m going to enjoy being here. I’m pretty sure. Goodnight.

Day 2:

I woke up late, maybe around 10:00. After breakfast, Grandma and I went out to trim the forsythia. Grandma has 2. The other one was already trimmed. Grandma used an electric weed trimmer. I think it looked more like a chainsaw. It looks like this.

Hedge Trimmer
Hedge Trimmer

​I used a pair of small trimmers. They looked kinda like this.

Hand Trimmer
Hand Trimmer

​There were a lot of branches to trim. After we trimmed them, we loaded them in a wagon. After that, we hitched the wagon to the mower. It looks something like this.

Lawn Mower
Lawn Mower

Grandma showed me how to drive the mower. I drove it down to a fire-pit type place, where we unloaded. Then I got to drive back. Once we got back, Grandma had me drive the mower in straight lines. It was fun! Then we went inside. We kinda just sat around reading most of the day. Later we watched Ella Enchanted, then Princess Protection Program. While we were watching that, Grandma’s sister showed up.

Mom’s updates were all pictorial:

Monkey made an apple pie.
Monkey made an apple pie.
This happened today.
This happened today.
I love seeing this!
I love seeing this!

They had a comfortable, relaxed 10 days together, then flew down to be with the rest of us.

We missed having Monkey around the house. The artistic level of activity increased exponentially the minute she walked in the door.

I had cleaned, organized, and rearranged her room while she was away, and that seemed to be a hit. I love having her sleeping back upstairs.

She’s growing up, this girl. And we love the person she is, and the person she’s becoming.