Memory Boxes

Memory Boxes

Each of us have a memory box. The boxes contain artifacts from over the years that were favorites from childhood or stories I wanted to be able to share one day or cards or letters from those we love.

In the process of cleaning out the storage room, all of our memory boxes were out on the floor.

The children saw them and wanted to dive in.

At first I was reluctant.

“I’m trying to organize. The basement is already so messy. Something will get lost.”

Then I realized how I sounded and wondered what the heck I was thinking?!

The memory boxes mean nothing if they aren’t opened and shared and talked about and cried and laughed over.

So, out they came.

And it was wonderful.

The time Monkey was on the cover of Washington Post Magazine, attempting to lick the Hope Diamond.
The time Monkey was on the cover of Washington Post Magazine, attempting to lick the Hope Diamond.
Shoes from Chinatown in San Francisco in an attempt to replace the beloved shoes Grandma brought home from the REAL China.
Shoes from Chinatown in San Francisco in an attempt to replace the beloved shoes Grandma brought home from the REAL China.
One of Monkey's favorite dresses that Grandma brought her from Mexico. It used to drag on the ground.
One of Monkey’s favorite dresses that Grandma brought her from Mexico. It used to drag on the ground.
One of Yessa's snuggliest outfits. She was our only winter infant.
One of Yessa’s snuggliest outfits. She was our only winter infant.
Buster laughs as he reads the week-to-week chart of the pregnancy that was him.
Buster laughs as he reads the week-to-week chart of the pregnancy that was him.
Old cards.
Old cards.
More treasures.
More treasures.
What did you find?
What did you find?
How the basement looked, but instead of a mess I see the memories that need to be organized.
How the basement looked, but instead of a mess I see the memories that need to be organized.
The years of tiny little crocs.
The years of tiny little crocs.

It was a joy to relive these memories with this crew. I’m glad we didn’t miss the opportunity.