What An Amazing Day!

It’s been awhile since I’ve felt that once-familiar surge of joy. Then, there it was again as I drove to church by myself this morning. Tears of gratitude flowed as I thought back over the week and weekend.
This last week has been the Candidating Week that the last year of work has been building up to. Reverend Carmen Emerson, our top candidate from the very beginning of this process, drove into town last Thursday with husband Jim and Grace, The Wonder Dog. Buds got to meet her for the first time at a dinner on Friday night with the entire Search Committee and partners.
After delivering the sermon last Sunday, which was an absolute home run, Carmen spent the week attending dinners, having lunches, meeting with committees, learning Nashville, and growing to know us as the congregation got to know her. Then, she led the worship service again today, and right afterward while she waited outside, a congregational vote was held, votes tallied, and results announced.
It was a unanimous, resounding “YES!” to call Rev. Carmen as our first full-time settled minister. As is probably likely in an congregation, to achieve 100% agreement is pretty unusual, and an indicator of how much our congregation felt warmed by Carmen’s kind, loving presence and witness.
And none of that sermon and vote had even happened when I was overcome by joy on the drive TO church this morning.
That’s what an amazing week and weekend it has been.

With my part in this process officially over, I’m grateful that our new congregational family gave me the chance to do this sacred work, and I’m so incredibly grateful it is complete. I love this committee of people, and I’m excited to begin the work that Carmen will lead us into when we begin her tenure in August.