The Princess Bride and A Delightful Surprise

Last weekend we hosted our Second Annual Pizza and Movie Party for members of our church and some extra friends. The movie this year was The Princess Bride.
Buds and I worked hard to get the outdoor space ready so we could have the movie outside…about 20 minutes before people were to arrive, the downpour began.
We had known it was going to rain, but we thought it would be a brief, light shower. Instead, it rained long and hard enough to convince us that we needed to watch the movie indoors. This necessitated lots of scurrying and moving of electronic equipment in the rain.
About 20 minutes later, the rain had cleared so the children were able to have snail races, and s’mores for dessert was still on the menu.

In addition to sharing the evening with comfortable friends from church…and laughing at The Princess Bride…we had the fantastic addition of long-time, though not often seen, friend, “Plummy.” She and her sister and family were driving from Texas to Kentucky to bury their parents’ ashes, and Nashville was their stop for the night.
Thena graciously provided taxi service so Plummy could join the party.
She and I have been friends for so long that she gave us a mix-tape as part of our wedding present. That’s old-school, people!

Having her here, even for just a few hours, was such a joy. Knowing someone for decades, and being able to introduce your children to a friend that “you’ve known even longer than Daddy?!” was a treat.
Though I was sorry for her reason for traveling through town: We spent many fun weekends at each other’s homes in college, and both of us have laughter-filled memories of the other’s parents, I’m so grateful we had the opportunity to reconnect. I expect more visits in the not too distant future.

And from twenty-three years ago: a selfie before they were cool: