Thank you, Schmilly, for the love.

Thank you, Schmilly, for the love.

The call came about 4:30.

Barton’s wife had heard from Schmilly’s mom and he was calling to let me know.

Beloved Schmilly passed about 1:30 this afternoon, at home, at peace, and surrounded by love.

After the great gulping shuddering sobs subsided, I’ve been thinking about how she chose to live in this world.

If you have a chance to love…love.

If you have a chance to laugh…laugh.

When you have a choice between joy and despair, choose joy.

The world has lost a light-filled soul. My heart hurts for those she has left behind, but I’m so incredibly grateful that she was a part of my life.

And for those who read this blog, I am thankful for you. Those who send me comments or your stories, it means so much to me. You make my life better. Thank you.

Here’s to love and choosing to love and choosing to feel the deep pain that can come with love.

Dang it…

Argyle, Barton, Boz, Ginnie Schmilly seated
Argyle, Barton, Boz, Ginnie
Schmilly seated