Final Midwest Thoughts

Final Midwest Thoughts

The time went so quickly in the Midwest.

We had a visit with Schmilly and her fantastic family in St. Louis , then headed over to Gina and Todd’s. We only had two nights with them, which was not nearly enough, but we got to see their beautiful, peaceful new piece of land and play and swim and do a project together. (Gina always allows me to do some project. She knows how I am if left to my own devices.)

I didn’t take any pictures I can find of their land, but it is a beautiful space for their future home. And the before and after pictures of their front closet are life-changing…can’t find those either.

Found the pictures, wanted to add them here:

Front Closet Before
Front Closet Before
Front Closet After
Front Closet After

As you can see, the front closet was in really good shape. We just did some sorting, donating, and sweeping. Gina and I have rendered much bigger miracles than this in the past, but our visit was so short she went easy on me.

And their gorgeous acres of land:


The pond
The pond



Popped up to Mom’s from there, and had a great time with her, and at the state fair. I didn’t get to see either of my brother’s, but hopefully on our next visit.

I did stop to see some old neighbors of ours, Oral and Thelma. Miss Thelma wasn’t there, but I did get to see Oral. They have moved out of their home out on the farm into assisted living apartments. I saw Oral at their old house, where he was meeting with a realtor, but Mom has been to visit them at their new apartment, and she said Oral doesn’t like it.

I was so glad to see Oral, but sorry at the change in life for him. He’s a stoical Iowa farmer, and I’m reminded of my uncle Jim who was so depressed after having to leave the farm and move into assisted living space. Families have to make decisions, I just wish there was a different way for aging to happen for people. I will forever be grateful that we were able to keep Dad at home for his final days. I know not everyone can make that choice. Sometimes there are no good choices…

But Mom looks great and is doing well. We got to have Cash, my great-nephew, stay overnight one of the nights we were there, and we also got to see my nephew’s wife and another great-nephew, Cruz. Both boys are just awesome.

So, as always, time back in Iowa was a mix of fun and thoughtfulness. I can’t believe Dad has been gone almost 8 years. I’m sorry for all he’s missed.

The neighbor's dogs came to visit.
The neighbor’s dogs came to visit.
Final spin art masterpieces
Final spin art masterpieces
Puzzle time
Puzzle time
Picture by Yessa.
Picture by Yessa.
Monkey and Mom- I think Monkey may be taller by our next visit.
Monkey and Mom- I think Monkey may be taller by our next visit.
The Buster being sane in a picture.
The Buster being sane in a picture.
The whole crew
The whole crew