
I’ve heard from several of you in response to “Body Talk.”
Thank you for caring enough about the smaller people in my home to reach out with your honest stories of your own struggles, your own triumphs, and the understanding of the role the world plays in our self-reflection.
Thanks for your ideas and your reassurances that Buds and I are not the problem, but part of the solution.
Thanks for standing with us as we work to make the world a better place for all our children. A world where children understand what a healthy, whole, safe, loved body feels like, and that all of us have a right to that bodily integrity.
Thanks for loving your own selves and bodies as models for the young; demonstrating how freeing it is to not give a thought to someone else’s idea on what circumference your thighs should be, but instead focusing on the power within those thighs.
Finally, thanks for letting me know that someone is reading these posts. It matters to me. A lot.
So here’s a toast and a cheer for bodies short and small, large and tall, soft and hard, dimpled and smooth. May we love them all, live in them with joy, and be grateful for what they can do.