Three In One Week
Yessa just lost another yesterday on our drive from Massadoah to Roanoke. She hadn’t lost a tooth in many months, so there was some trauma about when would it fall out, would it bleed, would it feel strange, would she swallow it.
She kept worrying it until it popped out. There was some amount of blood, and my favorite comment from her was, “Mommy, it feels meaty in the space!”
Monkey lost two teeth last week, and hers is an interesting situation. She has five baby teeth that are sitting in the spots that her permanent teeth want. The permanent teeth decided they didn’t want to wait, so they’ve been growing in regardless. This gives her a little bit of a shark, multi-layered tooth look. The dentist told her she had about 3 months to wiggle those extra baby teeth out, otherwise it would be time to help them out. Monkey has been vigilant about wiggling for all she’s worth, with success on two counts so far. We’ll see if she can get the last three to surrender.
We’ve kept the tooth fairy busy.