Horseback Riding

Monkey loved the time she spent on a horse in NoVa, and since we moved, we’ve been on the lookout for lesson potential down here. We finally found the sweet spot of cost, location, and schedule, and Monkey and Yessa began lessons a couple weeks ago.
Ms. Wendy, their trainer, is patient and kind, but firm enough to support Yessa through her strong feelings of “I don’t think I can do this.” Not only did Yessa succeed, she excelled.
Both girls love their lessons, though Yessa will probably to continue to feel anxiety about going for awhile. She loves it once she’s there, but getting there can be tough. This is one of those times when it is clear that she wants to push past the nervousness, and she’s so proud when she conquers her fears. I wish it were always so clear when to support and “push,” and when to just let things fall as they may.