Nineteenth Ireland Post: The Trip Home

We’ve been home several weeks now, and life is returning to normal. We all miss the cool Irish weather and the peacefulness of our Limerick home.
The trip home was mostly smooth, and we all found the long flight during the day easier than we had the overnight flight on the way to Dublin. Flying is still a hassle, and it always feels like there are so many unknowns, but the children handled themselves extremely well.
The big loss was the confiscation of the weapons. I’m not even sure I should document it in the blog because it caused a lot of heartache for all of us, but especially the children. It seemed so senseless to all of us, but an airport doesn’t seem like a safe place to attempt to argue your case, nor did we feel sure enough of timing for me to run back to try and mail the weapons to us.
It was a very sad ending to our trip. I’m thankful that the rest of the trip went smoothly, and that we have children who do bounce back quickly, even when they have been hurt. I was proud of them.

Overall, the trip was magical, truly, truly magical. I can’t wait to try out more adventures of this duration or longer.