Eighteenth Ireland Post: Bunratty Folk Park

Eighteenth Ireland Post: Bunratty Folk Park

The kids and I had so enjoyed ourselves at the Bunratty Castle Banquet, we decided to return on another day when we could tour the rest of the folk park.

We’ve been home for a couple weeks now, so my memories are fading, but just today Yessa said, “I miss Ireland.” We’ve all said that at least once since we returned. That means, though, that this story will have to be told mostly in pictures.

It was excellent to get to wander through the castle into all the rooms, go up on the battlements to see the view, eat dinner in a converted home with a small peat fire crackling nearby. And as was often the case when we were on The Emerald Isle, the sun burst forth and gave us time to frolic on the playground, stroll through the walled gardens, and enjoy dreaming about living in the past.

One of many plaques spread around the buildings on the grounds.
One of many plaques spread around the buildings on the grounds.
Cradle in a cottage.
Cradle in a cottage.
The simple dishes make a lovely display.
The simple dishes make a lovely display.
The curtains provide extra warmth.
The curtains provide extra warmth.
Thatch, thatch, everywhere
Thatch, thatch, everywhere
Even this bed would have felt good after a long day of work.
Even this bed would have felt good after a long day of work.
The dungeon at Bunratty Castle.
The dungeon at Bunratty Castle.
The photographer at work
The photographer at work
Sitting in the Duke and Duchess' chairs
Sitting in the Duke and Duchess’ chairs
It was rainy and cool enough for a peat fire in the cottages and restaurant.
It was rainy and cool enough for a peat fire in the cottages and restaurant.
More animals to meet.
More animals to meet.

The picture with the pony reminds me that we shouldn’t forget that incredibly charming and personable porker that we spent time with. If ever a pig could talk, this one did. Buster and Yessa spent a great deal of time sitting on his stone wall, visiting and scratching the sweet little fellow.

The chapel that was moved to Bunratty Folk Park, stone by stone.
The chapel that was moved to Bunratty Folk Park, stone by stone.
The Folk Park Playground
The Folk Park Playground



We guessed this was thatch storage. Very intriguing.
We guessed this was thatch storage. Very intriguing.
Griddle cake cooked over a peat fire. (Poor picture quality my fault.)
Griddle cake cooked over a peat fire. (Poor picture quality my fault.)
Typical Irish pathway
Typical Irish pathway
The happiness of being fully armed and prepared for battle.
The happiness of being fully armed and prepared for battle.

The children were so happy to finally find excellent souvenirs from the trip. They each chose a couple wooden replica weapons from the gift shop, and were so excited to think of returning home with these for play battles.

But, it was not to be…though that story will have to wait for the next post.

Overall, it was a splendid final excursion to wrap up our trip.