This field trip was missing a U

This Sunday we attended Cork Unitarian Church. It’s one of the ways we hope to connect on our trip around the world and both Ginnie and I regretted we hadn’t made time in Dublin to visit the Unitarian Church.

Cork Unitarian held a service in an old, old meeting house hidden away in downtown Cork. The building is a treasure, “the oldest place of continuous worship in Cork City”, tucked in a little grotto off a busy shopping street. The service was intimate–I mustn’t say small–but deeply comfortable and welcoming with a feel similar to our Nashville home. The glamour of UUCF’s rock-n-roll choir, three services, and “where-do-I-find-a-seat” pews would have been a shock here (I kid, I kid).
Despite missing one of our U’s, the service was familiar. Some highlights.
- Service started by lighting the candle
- We sung from our familiar hymnal; 38 (Morning has broken) and 101 (Abide with me)
- Sharing joys and concerns while lighting candles. Here, the candles were mostly lit in silence. Cork U’s would be surprised how chatty we are stateside. Hugs to GNUUC.
- A sermon on Doubting Thomas was given by lay member Michael O’Sullivan.
- We read responsively; the readings were more God-focused than UU’s in the states.
- We worried at the end of the service about what Unitarians stand for. This is a familiar UU concern.
Here are some of their words. These may be a fresh expression of a familiar sentiment.
Chalice Lighting Words
Every new day can bring struggle as well as joy.
May this light remind us of our ability to help a fellow traveler and bring joy to another’s life.
May this flame remind us not to hide our light and to be a presence in the world.
The affirmation
Love is the doctrine of this church,
The quest for truth its sacrament and service its prayer.
To dwell together in peace,
To seek knowledge in freedom,
To serve mankind in fellowship,
To the end that all souls will grow in harmony with The Divine.
This we do covenant with each other and with God.
Closing prayer
And now we take our leave
Before we gather here again
may each of us bring happiness into another’s life;
may we each be surprised by the gifts that surround us;
may each of use be enlivened by constant curiousity–
And may we remain together in spirit ’til the hour we meet again.
Some pictures.