Eighth Ireland Post: Hiking Our Own Mountain

Eighth Ireland Post: Hiking Our Own Mountain

We have had a fantastically busy, wonderful weekend. I’m posting out of order because I’m not sure how long I’ll last (It’s nearly midnight here.), and Yessa will be excited if I put up a post which highlights her.

At around 8 p.m., after watching “The Princess Bride” as our Family Movie Night show, Yessa decided it was time she had her hike up the mountain. Monkey and Dad had gone a few days ago, and she decided after they’d been gone for 45 minutes that she wanted to go with…and it was too late. She looked at me with those sweet eyes, and I suddenly felt the urge to hike up a mountain, too.

Oh, Princess Buttercup, how we love you.
Oh, Princess Buttercup, how we love you.

About half-way up, she needed to go to the bathroom. We slipped on some rocks, she sustained some scratches from brambles, and she had at least one step into cow plop, but not once did she complain. We were both so happy with our time outdoors together in the vast, blusteryness of it all.

We’re planning to go again tomorrow.

The gorgeous view and sunset.
The gorgeous view and sunset.
The moon was out...and visible.
The moon was out…and visible.
Our own local ruins we discovered on the top of the hill.
Our own local ruins we discovered on the top of the hill.



This must be a "young" ruin since the wooden roof supports are still visible.
This must be a “young” ruin since the wooden roof supports are still visible.
More views.
More views.
The view going up the mountain
The view going up the mountain
The sunset was magnificent.
The sunset was magnificent.
Can you spot the cows?
Can you spot the cows?

Another example of the beauty and wonder we are finding so close to home.