Trees, trees, trees

My ducklings and I had a lovely morning at Cheekwood enjoying the gorgeous “Trees of the Rainbow” displays that were up in the mansion. Each child picked a favorite tree for a picture.

As has been our tradition for a couple years, we headed out with Uncle Z and cousins to hunt down a Christmas tree in a field. The farm we went to had trees that were inexpensive, which was largely because the trees had grown so tall that the owners told you to “look up for the tree you want.” When you found the tree with a good top, they would cut down the whole tree then slice off the feet you wanted. A rather drastic tree haircut, so to speak.
Well, Uncle Z, Buds, and I are apparently incapable of this much envisioning, so we ended up buying our tree from the pre-cut “Merry Christmas Trees” stand at the golf course by our house. The people were very friendly and helpful, and not even a bit cranky when I ran over the end of the PVC pipe they used to measure tree heights. Oops. Guess that means the first 6 inches of everyone’s trees are on me.
As is typical for Buds and Ginnie, we proved largely inept at tying the tree on the top of the car, encouraging each other with phrases like, “We don’t have far to go,” and, “It looks good to me.” And my personal favorite, uttered by Buds every year, “I’ll hold the rope with my hand! What could go wrong?!”

Cousin M spent the afternoon with us, and since she loves to decorate, she and Yessa added a few extras around the house that look great. I love having children old enough to decorate the tree.

Now it really feels like Christmas is on the way.