
Nonni and Poppi were right. Frozen was excellent.I would have gone just for this sequence: Let It Go.
The kids loved the movie. The Buster needed to perch on my lap for the emotionally intense parts toward the middle onward. That was after he told me he needed to go to the bathroom about 20 minutes into the movie. As we were walking there, I said, “Do you think we’ll miss the dark part while we’re gone?”
“That’s why I said I needed to go now. I’m hoping we’ll miss it.”
His first question to Yessa when we returned, “Did we miss the dark part?”
We hadn’t, hence the lap sitting.
In addition to loving the movie and trying out our first theater in the new home, we went to the movie with new friends, which always makes things more fun.
“Let it go, let it go…”