Universally Approved

Universally Approved

The Buds and Buster are back from Universal, and it got a thumbs up from both of them. Buds may do a more complete post later, but I wanted to get some pictures posted and write up the story of The Buster and The Wand.

"Strike a pose," Dad said.
“Strike a pose,” Dad said.
Waiting to ride the Pteradon.
Waiting to ride the Pteradon.
Maybe a little wet.
Maybe a little wet.
Wand at the ready.
Wand at the ready.
Final allowance purchase.
Final allowance purchase.

Concerning the shirt in the last picture, Buds sent me this email:

Yes. The sweet boy was in the shop and he had $28 left. He wanted that shirt (which was $28) but he was very concerned about looking for something for Yessa too.

“I want her to get something that comes from me.”

I told him, “It’s okay, we’re getting her the wand, and she’ll love that.”

“But I want her to know that I was thinking about her.”

“Buddy, we can say that the wand came from you. You put so much thought into making sure she got the right one.” (It was his idea to take and send the video) (Ed. note: They sent us a video so Yessa could pick her favorite wand from all the options.) “If you want the shirt, you can just get it”.

Sly/shy smile and he gets the shirt.

They came home with many stories, a Hufflepuff hat for Monkey that she’s only taken off to sleep, a wand for Yessa, and a wand and shirt for The Buster. And they came home safe and happy, which was my present.

I haven’t talked to the cousin for whom this trip was a part of his birthday celebration, but I’m hopeful he had as much fun as Buster.

Finally, a little video reminder of their splashing good time.
