First To The Frist

First To The Frist

Aunt A had been telling me for a long time that the Frist was an awesome outing, and we finally found a date to check it out. She was so correct!

We headed in bright and early on a Monday morning, arriving shortly after the Center opened, and we largely had the Interactive Art Area all to ourselves for much of the morning. The children wandered from center to center, trying out different art creation mediums, exploring at their own pace, and just absorbing and creating. I even made an effort at crafting some items. It’s a very inspiring place.

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After a couple hours creating, we enjoyed lunch in the cafe, then I had a delicious 45 minutes to wander through the Norman Rockwell Exhibit. That was fun for Buster and Yessa who remembered seeing many of the paintings at the museum we toured in Vermont this summer, and Monkey loved it because she enjoyed reading about the stories behind each painting.

The more I learn about Norman Rockwell, the more impressed I am.

We didn’t fully explore the museum at all, so I look forward to many return visits.