Saturday Outing

Saturday Outing

A quick post about some fun items from two Saturdays ago. Adrian was due to arrive in the evening. We had lots of errands to run, plus getting ready for our two visitors: Adrian and Grandma.

We set off for Crema (our favorite coffee shop), the Main Nashville library (so we could show Buds its awesomeness), the downtown farmer’s market, Target, World Market, and Costco.

After Crema, we ditched the library because we were already feeling so rushed. Then we couldn’t get to the farmer’s market due to some race. So, off we went to Target. We dropped Buds off at World Market so he could check to see if our new dining room table had arrived, and the kids and I headed up to Target so they could spend the many, many weeks of allowance they had been saving.

As we were getting out of the car, The Buster made a funny little bleating sound and said, “Mom, I forgot my shoes at home.” Apparently forgetting your shoes is genetic.

My response was, “Well, you picked the perfect place for us to be if you were going to forget your shoes.”

The cart on the way into Target.
The cart on the way into Target.
Looking longingly at Monkey's shoes.
Looking longingly at Monkey’s shoes.
The snazzy new shoes.
The snazzy new shoes.

After Target and World Market, where our new table WAS in, we popped over to a steakhouse for lunch because time was quickly slipping away from us. The waitress complimented us on the children, which always strikes me as so interesting. We just happen to have pretty quiet kids who like to read. And Monkey is really good about saying “please” and “thank you.” To people on the outside that sometimes looks like something amazing, apparently. It was very kind of her to take time to tell us her thoughts, but I really did want to ask her what was it she saw sometimes. Going out to eat can be so stressful for kids, I expect she sees some meltdowns.

Once we were back home, we saw our friend the skink again. He has since also been back inside the house. I’m choosing to believe it is just one skink that likes to visit. Please let it be just one skink.

The skink is back.
The skink is back.

A delightful, relaxed weekend before we slid into our busy, wonderful week filled with visiting Juicers.