Shoebox CrossFit

After the closing on the house in Reston, we were freer to start making some of our planned purchases for the Shoebox. One of the first purchases, ’cause that’s how we roll, was our own equipment for creating WODs at home. I’m going to love going to the YMCA for classes like ZUMBA for the fun and community of it, but it wasn’t going to be a place for Olympic lifting. The three CrossFit options that are close to us I’m sure would be great, but they are expensive, so buying our own equipment seemed like a better long-term solution.
After a couple days of working out together on our own driveway, in the beautiful sunshine and cool morning air, we both give this decision a resounding, “Woohoo!”
We met a neighbor that we might not have had the opportunity to meet for awhile. We had another neighbor drive by and cheer for us with enthusiasm. Most importantly of all, we have equipment the children can use when they choose to be part of a wod with us, and we’re just building more memories together.
I also realized another benefit for me. It is very tough for me to push really hard in a workout. Buds is an absolute beast and gives 100% quite willingly. I’m glad to give 80% willingly, but to get to 90% takes more mental than physical effort. Having Buds as my partner, and no one else, I thought this would be a problem until it dawned on me that he’ll be relying on me to push so that I’m not dragging him down. His intensity could suffer if it’s a day he’s already “not feeling it,” and he sees me giving my regular 80%. Since I find it much easier to do something for the sake of him or the children, pushing myself for his sake makes that mental hurdle more leapable.
We’re both back to being CrossFitters, and it’s still true love.