

Abraham Lincoln had one child who lived to adulthood: Robert Todd Lincoln. RTL loved Vermont, and had a summer home here outside Manchester, VT. Nonni, Poppi, the oldest cousins, and I had a lovely morning exploring the mansion and grounds around Hildene. The weather was ideal, and the place is simply beautiful.

Snuggled up to Nonni.
Snuggled up to Nonni.
Letterbox treasure found.
Letterbox treasure found.
Oh, Gina, I couldn't remember how to fix this magic, but my boy still looks cute.
Oh, Gina, I couldn’t remember how to fix this magic, but my boy still looks cute.
Picture of photographer and poser.
Picture of photographer and poser.
Heading to the house.
Heading to the house.
Yessa in the middle of a brick square showing the size of the cabin where Honest Abe was born.
Yessa in the middle of a brick square showing the size of the cabin where Honest Abe was born.
A stunning car owned by RTL's daughter...an amazing woman.
A stunning car owned by RTL’s daughter…an amazing woman.
The formal gardens at Hildene.
The formal gardens at Hildene.
The Falcon Club walked by us.
The Falcon Club walked by us.
Waiting to board the Luxurious Pullman Car.
Waiting to board the Luxurious Pullman Car.
The car could sleep 20 people, and was so elegant.
The car could sleep 20 people, and was so elegant.

We also visited the Hildene Goat Farm and watch them milking, as well as investigating the rectangular pupils on the goats. It’s TRUE, Ms. Paula, they were rectangles.

Another great day.