The Buster and His Bike

The Buster and His Bike

Filed under the long list of accomplishments where we have seen how easily our children progress when allowed to decide the “where and when” of learning a new skill, The Buster has learned to bike.

Nonni and Poppi gave him a beautiful, blue bike on his 5th birthday. Zoe has gotten years of use out of it, but The Buster just wasn’t interested. He was a Scooter King. He zipped and zoomed on that scooter like crazy.

Then, recently, Aunt A offered us Cousin O’s outgrown bike, which allotted us a bike per child.

Finally, a couple weeks ago, Buddie decided to spend some focused time with The Buster, doing the classic “Dad runs by the side of the bike while the child screams, ‘Don’t let go, don’t let go!'” Except The Buster didn’t say that. Buds encouraged and ran next to him for awhile, but in short order the little man was zipping around like he was born on a bike.

And now that Spring is here, he has been outside every day possible, being part of “Team Speed” on a bike.

His choice, his timing, his joy in the accomplishment.

I love it when a plan comes together.

Team Speed
Another Buddie miracle shot