Seeing Improvement

Yessa went for her 6-month eye exam today. The eye doctor had told us he wanted her back after only 6 months because her vision was so compromised in the one eye we needed to be sure things were improving.

She took the exam in stride today. Her comfort level was so much greater than last time, and there has been definite improvement in her vision. She’s now seeing 20/20 in the “compromised” eye with her glasses on. (I can’t remember which eye it is; I think it’s the left or right.) The improvement was enough that her prescription needed to be changed, and since the glasses she’d been wearing had already gotten a little too small, and they tended to slip down her nose, she changed to a metal pair with nose pieces, similar to the big kids.

New glasses should be here next week, and Yessa doesn’t have to go back for 12 months. Great news all around.

I’m so grateful for our Health Savings Account. You would think tiny little glasses would cost a tiny amount of money, but that just doesn’t seem to be the case.