Science Museum of Richmond

Science Museum of Richmond

We picked a date, and decided to make a full day of it. The children and I headed to Richmond to enjoy this museum we had heard many good things about, and had even visited briefly a few years back, but had never fully explored. We left home around 9:30, got to the Museum on the cold, crisp day, around 11:15, headed in for lunch at The Periodic Table (the cafe in the Museum), then started on our touring around.

They were fascinated by the pictures of the periodic table.

Since this adventure happened several weeks ago now, I’m going to let the pictures show our day.

Monkey took her camera along.
Looking, learning, touching, exploring…

It’s all fun and games…
…until someone shoots into orbit.
Sitting in a rocket pod.

Taking a quiz.

Too much like the famous boa constrictor incident.
The IMAX movie about two sanctuaries that care for orphaned baby elephants and orangutans was a huge hit. The popcorn was too.

Bernoulli Blower

Every good story needs a villain, and the villain in this story was a 3 y.o. boy who trotted over to Yessa as she explored the Bernoulli Blower, knocked the ball out of her hands, and trotted off with it. She was shocked, but I reacted swiftly, trotted after him, explained she wasn’t done with, then knocked it out of his hands, and returned it to her after he ignored me. There was no parent in sight, but I trust that I treated him kindly, just firmly.

He was the villain later when he repeatedly knocked down the giant house a group of children were attempting to build, but his mom did intervene this time, so I was saved from that task.

We stopped at Bob Evans for dinner on the way home, and had a great time there, too.