National Children's Museum and Camera Thoughts

Aunt A had the superb idea of the moms and kids enjoying the cousins’ day off from school together and heading to the recently opened National Children’s Museum. Bless her, she even drove since we can all fit in their SUV.
I realized three things:
1) I had subconsciously been thinking the Museum might be free since it was the National Children’s Museum, and many of the other museums of the D.C. Variety are free. But, this is no Smithsonian. $10/person.
2) I don’t care for this other lens on my camera. Buds assures me it is great for portrait shots, but I take lots of candids, and often I’m taking them from a distance so as to not disturb the participants. I’m going back to my big zoomer, though it is a heavy beast.
3) I am frustrated with myself for continuing to be a camera novice. By taking sheer numbers of pictures, I get several that are lovely. But, when I have the potential for a great shot, and it needs to be given a little care in the moment to make it outstanding, I do not know how to do that.
Case in point:

This should be a beautiful shot, and with some post-production rendering, I can make it decent, but with some simple camera adjustments, I could have made it superb at the time…I think.
So, I’m going to work on that. I’ve printed off several tutorials, several infographics, and made a board on pinterest for keeping track of the essays I want to read. I don’t aspire to be a Gina, but I would like to be the best Blog Photographer I can be.