Dental Plans

Dental visits for the young ones today. This was only our second visit to this dentist, and thanks to the television on the ceiling, all the children going back for their cleanings at the same times, and me being given the freedom to wander from child to child and listen to how all the dental techs talk with the children, all went well.

Yessa was most impressive to me overall. She popped up in the chair and settled in all by herself. I didn’t need to hold her hand, or even stand near her. It was only 1 appointment ago that I had to hold her foot or hand for the entire visit, and only 3 appointments ago that she was laying on me for her cleaning and check by the dentist. She’s grown and gained a lot of self-possession in the last year.

The two Z’s came through with a clean bill of teeth. Yessa wins the prize for needing two follow up visits to have 5, mostly small, cavities taken care of. The dentist equated the thin enamel on her teeth with that of The Buster, but since The Buster had already been under sedation at least once by this age, Yessa is still ahead of the game.

The only drawback to this dental office is that everyone in it, including the dentist, looks about 10-18 years younger than me. I’m not sure how I feel about that. What could these people actually know at their young age?!