A Three-Hour Tour...

A Three-Hour Tour...

Though the reason for this early trip to Iowa was not good–Mom’s broken arm and surgery–we have all enjoyed our time in Iowa very much.

The children and I wandered around downtown Colfax while Mom had her haircut.

In a classic example of small town hospitality, I wanted to show the children the church where Buds and I got married. We walked to the church, and the doors were locked. There was a man at the parsonage next door, climbing into his truck. He saw me trying the door of the church, and asked if I wanted to go in. After I explained, he unlocked the door, let us in, asked us to be sure the door locked when we were through, and then left us to explore.

I loved walking down these steps the first time as Jennie Gemignani.

We also went to the Farmer’s Market in Des Moines on a couple Saturdays. Buds and I used to go there when we lived here, but it has grown a huge amount. It was fun to walk around with the children, and see all the fabulous food, craft, and balloon animal options.

Cookie Snack
Sno Cone!
Are my lips red?
Sno Cones with a matching Grandma
Vampire Boy

The children and I have been swimming at the local Y, playing outdoors, visiting the horses and neighbors, going to the library, taking Grandma to PT, and just enjoying the relaxing time together. No Buds is really tough, but overall it’s been a lovely visit.

Mom's big, sunny living room
Our personal pool
The other pool option
I loved cleaning out the car when I'm at Mom's house.
Slip-in-slides never get old.
Such joy in fresh clothes from the line.
The Amazing Chemistry Show at Mom's Church
Time with Pips and Riley was wonderful!

Then, after our great time in Iowa, we headed to K.C. to hang out with The Chandlers and wait for Buds to fly in to be with us.

The playground where MoMo and Hero had soccer practice
Merry Sunshine with freckles
Playing in the setting sun.
Books help pass the time at the airport.
Life is good.

You can read about our trip home here.

Thanks for a great visit, Grandma and Chandlers!

One of my favorite groups in the world.