

This visit to Iowa has been a mixed bag of blessings.

I’m so grateful I have the freedom of good marriage, career, and children that allows us to move to Iowa for a 3 week visit. I’m so thankful to have a mother that is open to us taking over her house and life, though this is not how she would have preferred things to go. I’m even more appreciative of her willingness to put up with my bossiness and planning ways. And, despite still feeling plenty of pain, and not at all back to normal, she’s willing to hang with my kids for an hour each day so I can zip to the local box to get in a WOD. That has made all the difference for my emotional health.

Being back here has been such a strange feeling. I’m not sure why I’m feeling so torn by this visit: More than I remember I have loved being outdoors here; I loved going to the Farmers Market with Zachy and Noa last weekend; Walking around Colfax and giving the children a tour of the church where we were married yesterday; Using the Altoona library a couple times a week; And hanging clothes on the line today. All these things are giving me such peace.

Buds is definitely not on board for a move back to Iowa, and I’m okay with that, but there’s a seed growing in my brain somewhere. I wonder what it will sprout into.

This makes me so happy.