Massadoah Moments

Massadoah Moments

Mia had the fantastic idea that our families should host a tubing day at Massadoah as an auction event. She spear-headed the effort, and I was glad to be along for the ride. John The Wonderful and his equally wonderful wife, Ann Marie, offered to help, and we’ve just finished the event, which was a huge success.

The one wrinkle to the whole event was that two of the original winners were unable to attend, but luckily two other wonderful families were able to take part. The weather was absolutely gorgeous. Mia and I had planned enough food to feed at least 5 additional families. The two youngest adventurers took naps, so they were able to stay late. Everyone loved Massadoah and the peace and beauty it shares with its visitors. Much laughter, great stories, children playing, shared meals, and a sense of wonder at these amazing people we share a church home with; these were some of the thoughts that flitter through my brain as I think back on the day. Oh, and Kelly made me laugh so hard during a conversation about “scat” that I snorted relish up my nose. That was memorable.

Here are some selected photos of the amazing people:

Shared food and laughter
Heading up from the first view of the water.
The scouting team returning from "The Zen Field."
Kel takes a platoon down to investigate the ground hog.
HP still captivated even with the river in sight.
Great friends, and a goofy face. You guess which one. 😉
The fire, a friend, and a is good.
We love a good fire and a good s'more.
A little peace and quiet for the plastic members of the crowd. Notice they don't get too close to the fire.
Kids and the great outdoors; always magical...
Paula's stories had us rolling with laughter more than once. I believe this was the "Ice Ball To The Face" story.
A full Massadoah kitchen makes my heart sing.
Snuggling after water play is heart-and body-warming.
Our crew shared their love of Minecraft with a willing audience.