Harry Potter Fever

Harry Potter Fever

It took a sister’s special sort of pressure, but the outcome was the Buster walking up to hold my hand today to tell me, “I can’t believe I resisted HP for so long.”

He finished Year 2 on the drive home from Massadoah today, and wanted to jump right into Book 3. The two big kids have loved having the shared experience of these books to talk about, and, of course, since I love them, too, it brings great joy for me to see them both settled in reading them. We definitely need to look for an extra set of them at the Library sale next year. We need to have at least two copies of each book, and we’ve already loved 2 different copies to pieces. These are great problems.

This whole process of reading for The Buster has reminded me of how he learned to talk. Not much talking for a couple years, then whole sentences and paragraphs. HPs have been his first real chapter books. That’s a pretty magical way to begin.

This warms my heart.
One copy is just not sufficient!
He can sleep anywhere, now he can read anywhere.