Yessa...We have some Busters tooodddaaaayeah!

On the majority of days, there comes a time when Monkey and I are reading quietly, and Buster and Yessa decide to engage in some storytelling-game creation. Sadly, I don’t have pictures of the most recent adventures, but I wanted to be sure to make note of them for future entertainment:

On Tuesday of this week, I came downstairs and the Buster was engaged in Ninja Training Yessa. She was wearing his Halloween Ninja costume, including face mask, and being trained in the ancient art of ninja battle. Their chosen weapons of late have been the two large US and World maps that we have rolled up, waiting to go back up on a wall. Oh, and even more importantly, the reason Yessa was being trained was to earn points.

What could those points be redeemed for, you might be wondering?

Magic shoes, of course. Yellow, plastic, Disney Princess Belle, high-heeled magic shoes. Because that is what every ninja is wearing this season.

On another evening this week, they were battling with the map swords, and Buster said to Yessa, “You lay down on the couch and pretend to be a Paleo Diet, and I’ll whack you.”

So she did.

And as she was laying there being slugged with the map sword she said, “Look at me, I’m paleo and gluten-free. Hit me, Zachary.”

No, I’m not making this up.