Lounging With Lombardi's

Thanks to the 2012 Auction Catalog-may it rest in peace-on the front side of our Disney Vacation, and Zoe’s broken appendage on the back side, we only got half the time with our awesome friends, but the time we had was grand. The pictures are pretty much from our visit on the way down. Our few hours with them on the way back home consisted of Alex giving Zoe a spa treatment to try and keep her mind off her broken arm.
We loved seeing their gorgeous new home, playing in their backyard, talking about all the new things they are learning and seeing in their new homeland, and laughing, laughing, laughing.

I love this picture for several reasons, not the least of which is that it was at the Lombardi’s where I realized how poorly I had packed for Yessa and Buster for this trip. Yessa had no short-sleeved shirts that fit, 2 pair of unners, and one skort. The other items I brought were too small or too hot. Poor kid. She wore this shirt, which is the top of a pair of pajamas Grandma gave her for Christmas, for several days. And this is why our children will never ask me for fashion advice.