Stomach Pains
As I’ve written before, The Buster is our homebody. He loves going to play over at Cousins’ house, and he gets as excited for travel as all of the rest of us, but after a few days away from home he’s ready to be back in our safe haven.
Apparently, sometimes the timeline can be even briefer.
We had a busy weekend. On Saturday we had XFit for the whole family in the morning, a grocery store trip, church in the afternoon, then dinner with friends at their house. On Sunday, Buster and I headed to church for his first OWL class, then I had an auction meeting between services while he entertained himself admirably. So, church for an hour, then 1 1/2 hours waiting while I talked with other auction leaders. Then, home for the rest of the day.
That night, as everyone was getting ready for bed, he began to complain of a headache and upset stomach. Concerned, I asked what he thought was going on? Was he hungry, did he need to go potty, did he need a drink? Why was he having pains?
“It’s because I wasn’t home enough today!” He wailed.