Another Massadoah Excursion

We decided to brave The Valley with some fellow intrepid homeschoolers. April and crew packed up for a 3 day, 2 night outing with us. Needless to say, all the kids had a fantastic time waking up each morning to find some of their favorite humans waiting to play and laugh.
Interestingly, the younger children were fascinated by throwing dirt. That made us laugh.
The big kids loved playing games together in the loft, on the screened porch, or at the kitchen table.
Of course, we had our time in the river:
And, of course, we took them up the twisty-turny drive up to Woodstock Tower. That darn, darn tower. The children trooped right up there, ran right to the edge, and loved the view, while I climbed with a death grip on the rail, waves of nausea, then stood in the dead center of the top, pretending like I couldn’t look down and see clear to the floor. Blech, blech, blech. Great view, though.
Sam needed a lift for part of the trip.
Sam loved the tower so much, he didn’t want to come down. He was the last one at the top.
And, of course, the kids had lots of time…just plain time, to walk, talk, and play.
It was a fantastic time for everyone.