Fun In Providence

We returned last week from a 5 day trip up to Providence where we got to visit with Uncle Tony, Aunt Liz, Baby Olivia, and Gram and Gramp VT. It was a wonderful time, and the children were all enthralled by Olivia, especially Yessa. She’s been playing all week with her babies, all of whom, “Just came out of my tummy.” It’s very precious.
Buds had work in Connecticut, so he took the train up on Thursday morning, and went to the hotel on Friday night where we were to meet him and stay before we drove over to Providence on Saturday morning. His part of the trip went smoothly.
The children and I left after Sweet Shosh’s birthday party on Friday afternoon, and headed North. The drive took many, many hours, and though I worked hard to try and steer around NYC, thanks to a wrong turn on an exit, we found ourselves driving into Manhattan at about 8:30 p.m. on Friday night. It wouldn’t have been so stressful, except the poor Buster was crying from needing to go potty. My stomach has never knotted like it did as we passed under the “Entering Manhattan” on the overpass. The kids did great, and we finally pulled in to the hotel in New Haven and found Buds, to the delight of all.
The next morning we headed to Homewood Suites, our home for the next 4 days. G + G VT, T, L, and Baby Livvy came over to the hotel for a delicious dinner made by Buds, some football watching, and swimming time in the pool. Noa, especially, was just transfixed by Olivia. God love Liz, she didn’t mind that Yessa practically sat on top of her the whole time, staring in fascination as O nursed, slept, had her diaper changed. Every little thing Olivia did, Noa wanted to see.
This fascination continued for the whole visit.
G + G VT stayed at the hotel with us, which was great fun for the children. And the kids loved having a pool to swim in nearly every day.
And the luggage carts. They loved these “Child Transportation Devices” as well.
Our second day in Providence, we went over L and T’s for a morning visit:
Three generations bonding over a video game.
Liz and Tony have beautiful sunlight flowing into their apartment.
I don’t know why they were laughing, but I love this shot.
Proud Grandpa holding the eighth of nine grandchildren.
The big kids snuggled in together for some bonding time.
Monkey was tickled to help make applesauce and serve it up to all takers. (And something about this picture reminds me of me as a child. Maybe the super red lips.)
Then most of us headed to the zoo in the afternoon, before G + G had to leave for home.
We all loved this bird that followed your finger along the glass, and turned its head upside down.
We kept trying to take the perfect Christmas photo, but just couldn’t seem to pull it together.
One last shot with the Grands before they left on their long journey.
It was a wonderful, first full day in Providence.