A Colorado Afternoon

I’m officially a girl today.  I’ve been manicured and pedicured…it was fine to do it once.  Won’t ever need to do it again.  The lovely woman who did all the work was very nice and it was soothing, and I laughed at the episode of Friends that was playing on the big screen.  Still and all, I would rather have been back at the nest with Buds.

Supposedly having a second toe longer than your first toe makes you a very fast runner.  Never trust old wive’s tales like that.  The purple was chosen in Yessa’s honor.

When I did return, after finding a couple gifts for some of the wonderful folks back home, Buds was on a work call.  When he was through with that we decided to snack a little here at home, then head downtown to shop for more gifts.  We got some great presents for the people who’ve been caring for our pets and caring for our broken fridge.  That was fun.  We did some olive oil tasting and spice rub sniffing.  The spice rub made us think of Jenny and Brendan, which was bitter sweet.  I was wishing I could buy a present to bring back to them in Virginia.

After that we moseyed back home and took a nap!  What bliss.  Second day in a row.

Then, we hauled ourselves into the great outdoors that is Boulder, Colorado.  We hiked nearly a couples miles up the Flatirons.  This beautiful photo shows the area we walked through and up into the mountains.  I’ll add our photos after we return home.  It was the rockiest hike we’ve ever done.  Monkey would love it.

That took a couple hours, and by the time we tramped our way back down, Buds was starving, so we headed home to change for dinner.  Buddie yelped up this tiny little Italian restaurant called Il Pastaio.  They make their own pasta and sauces and it was fantastic.  Buddie was kind enough to trade his dish for mine because I was in love with his gnocchi in pesto cream sauce.  We may head back here for lunch again soon.

Tonight we settle into our nest to watch the DVD lecture series, “My Favorite Universe.”  We purchased them specifically to bring on this trip.  We’re looking forward to learning some new things.