Let Halloween Begin!

Let Halloween Begin!

We borrowed Lucia to go try out the Haunted House presented by the youth at our church.  Monkey went through 2 times, Lucia once.  Buster would have gone through but could not get Yessa to let me go, and she wanted noooo part of it, so he’ll have to go through next year.  They all had good fun trying out their costumes in preparation for the true holiday next weekend.

Despite the mixed reviews of the haunted house, they all pronounced it a good time since they had some snacks to choose from at the end, and there was plenty of time for crafty coloring and playing on the playground.

Little Lucia Red Bird
Little Lucia Red Bird
Monkey choosing a tidbit from the gut of the beast.
Monkey choosing a tidbit from the gut of the beast.
"Darth" checks things out.
"Darth" checks things out.
Yessa did not care for people in masks--at ALL!
Yessa did not care for people in masks--at ALL!