2024 Crossfit Quarterfinals

2024 Crossfit Quarterfinals

And just like that, we're done. I have a valid score for the four Crossfit Quarterfinals workouts. Here's how it went.

Workout 1: "The Pace Yourself": Snatches, Rowing for Calories, Double Dumbbell box step-ups.

This one was less about the pacing I expected and more about grip. All of these exercises require grip, and the effect accumulated. My strategy was to commit 100% to the row and it worked decently well.

Afterwards my forearms were aflame. You can see it in my signature above where I could barely hold the pen.


Workout 2: "The Grind": 20 minutes of 50 wallballs, 50 burpee box jump overs.

I had hoped for better on this but didn't quite make it through the second round of 50 burpee box jump overs. This is the second time this year I've been disappointed in my burpees. What was good is I didn't stop; what was bad is I wasn't fast. But this videos is at 50x speed so I'll look quick.


Workout 2: "The One with the Gymnastics": Handstand pushups, Toes to bar, rope climbs

I struggle with strict handstand pushups which come up in the middle of this workout. The plan was to take it easy at the start, leave my shoulders relatively untaxed for the strict pushups.

Strict handy

And that's exactly how it went down. I did one strict handstand pushup every 30 seconds or so and gave myself a minute and a half to climb the rope.


I got up the rope once and failed once. Execution here was great but I could have been better prepared for the rope climbing.

Workout 4, "The One for the Clydesdales": Clean and Jerk, heavier and heavier

I did this one first and will do it again on Monday. I got through 10 reps at 225#. The first two weights (135#, 185#) are easy for me but at 225# things got messy. There was a failed rep and some other untidyness.


This is one I'll re-do though it won't affect my score much. Getting through 10 at 225# will put me in the top few percent.

All-in-all, I'm happy with the programming which was more inclusive this year and am decently happy with my results. Stay tuned for how my results measure up.