Magical Minor Miracle

I've been wearing a silicone wedding band for a long time now. I even wrote a blog post when I made the switch from my metal wedding band to the silicone one.
Several months ago when I was putting clean sheets on our bed, the silicone band, which has always been a little too big for my stick-like fingers, slipped off and flew away. It disappeared. I shook out the sheets, searched on the floor, checked the dog's bed, which was in the potential line of flight...nothing. I figured it was gone, and decided to go without a band for awhile.
Two days ago, I was folding a load of clothes, and there it was, in the bottom of the laundry basket.
A minor miracle, but a happy miracle nonetheless. And now I'm wearing it on my middle finger so this won't happen again. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻