Mocha's Newest Habit

Mocha's Newest Habit

I was downstairs in the basement taking dictation from Monkey for a school assignment while she walked on the treadmill. It was late in the evening, and Buds decided he was going to head up to bed.

Monkey and I were working away when Mocha came downstairs, sat down, and stared at me.

Not blinking, not looking away, not trying to engage me in play. Just staring.

I am not kidding when I tell you that she sends thoughts directly from her head into my brain.

I could not understand what she wanted, so she had to stare harder.

Then, I realized what she was doing.

She was trying to herd me up to bed. Buds had gone to bed. She wanted to go to bed, and I was the missing piece of the equation.

She was so disconcerting that I finally called Buds and asked him to come get her because she was not going to leave us alone until we did what she wanted.

To be clear, she wasn't be actively annoying. She was just looking! But she looks so hard. Herding with her mind.

This is "throw the ball" face. Very different.

This is a dog who loves nothing more than when all her people are together in one house, preferably in one room where she can see all of them at once.

Could not love her more, stubbornness, bossiness, and all.