Latest Wrist Update

Latest Wrist Update
My actual x-ray from today.

Six weeks post-surgery, I met with my surgeon today. He looked at the x-rays, declared everything looked as it should, and then said the surprising words, "You don't have to wear the brace anymore." 😳 🤯

No brace, but neither can I do any weight lifting for 8 more weeks, which is when I will go back to see him again. At that point, if the x-rays look solid, I will be free from all restrictions from then on.

I tried to get him to commit to an actual weight amount and activities.

"So, can I zip my own coat? Can I lift, say, 2 pounds?"

Dr. Yip is good about answering my specifics.

"Yes to zipping your coat. Two pounds should be fine."

Then, he attempted to forestall any other questions I might have.

"At this point, the bones just need to heal. You can work on flexibility, which is easier to do without the brace on. We can't make the bones heal faster. We have to just wait."

The healing continues...

X-ray taken the day after I broke it, with the splint on. Alex in the ER did a great job getting it back in alignment.
Taken the day of surgery as I was conked out on the table. Those screws go all the way through.
Taken today.

I also asked him to show me where, exactly the plate is, and he explained it is directly underneath the scar.

I saw the Occupational Therapist yesterday, so an updated set of ROM values below. The right arm measurements become the gold standard that I am working toward. I've got a ways to go on some of them. But I'll get there!

At least for a bit, I will continue to wear the brace to CrossFit. The concern there is forgetting the restrictions and grabbing a bar with the left arm, so I'll be extra cautious for a bit.

It's now 6 hours after I saw the surgeon, and not wearing the brace already feels pretty normal. I'm sure I'll be anxious about not falling for awhile now, but it is a gift to be free.