I Can Move My Fingers!

I do not mind admitting that having my arm be a floppy chicken was not my favorite thing. I was feeling anxious that I'd be one of the 36 hour numb people.
But I keep thinking of my mom's courage and tenacity after each of her surgeries. She's always so brave and uncomplaining and I've been trying to channel her energy.
Despite that, when I pushed on my shoulder at 3 o'clock, and I could feel it, I began to hope. Then by 4 p.m. my elbow felt like an elbow, not a puffy meat pouch! Finally at 5:30, I could move my fingers!! They are numb and tingly, but when I closed my eyes just now, I felt Zachary tapping them. And I'll tell you that was a far cry from when I accidentally poked them with the scissors at 2:30, didn't feel a thing, and realized this is how someone sets their arm on fire and has no idea.
But not today, Satan! I will not be setting myself ablaze unexpectedly, and I will keep moving my fingers!
Grateful for every snap forward!