Let The Healing Begin

I'm home and relaxing. Monkey and I watched a movie. Buster made it to Japanese class, and Yessa is on her flight to Virginia.
The staff at the surgical center was fantastic. The Scottish anesthesiologist was a delight and very reassuring, and Buddie was there to bring me home as soon as I could.

The nerve block will last 8-36 hours, which is a wildly expansive range. I'm doing what I can do be closer to the eight hour end, although the floppy, rubber chicken arm is funny. And my fingers have never been this warm before. 😁
I'll try to balance getting back to my regular life in a one -armed way, while also allowing my body to heal. That's a tough tightrope to walk.

Thanks for the loving messages, texts, flowers, and magazine.

And the vegan pies sent by Jenny have made my life so much easier.

Onward to full health!