In and Out

We were assigned a 6:45am arrival at an outpatient surgery center to prepare for Ginnie's 8:00am arm surgery. The surgery lasted 39 minutes and we should be home by 10:00am.
What's changed in the two decades since I broke my arm in nearly the same way?
- I went through general anesthesia, but Dr Brody, our charming Scottish Anesthesiologist, let us know that the state of the art now is an arm nerve block and just the lightest touch to send you under while the actual surgery takes place.
- Our no-nonsense Orthopedist (Dr. Yip) shared that the titanium connectors used to reaffix parts now custom fit your bones rather than being adjusted on site.
- We've got these Green Bay Packers-inspired foam blocks ("Carter blocks") that you can elevate your arm with.