Good bye To A Great One

My high school volleyball coach, Leesa Stoffers died on September 20. She was also my geometry instructor, which is why I loved geometry.
My favorite story about Coach was the day my junior year when I was met at my locker by my best friend "Pork Chop" with a panicked look on her face.
"Your dad is here! I just saw him go into the principal's office with Coach Stoffers!"
With no clue what was possibly going on, I had to go to my next class, terrified about what was happening behind Mr. Morgan's closed door.
When I walked into Coach's classroom for geometry later in the day, I went right up to her desk.
"Why was my dad here?!"
Turns out my dad wanted to know why I wasn't getting more playing time.
My dad, who didn't want me to go out for sports, thought I should be getting more playing time. 😳🤦♀️
In true Coach fashion, she was honest with him. I was not a great athlete, but she loved having me on the team. My enthusiasm and support made a difference to the team. She would have taken a team of me. We would have lost every game, but the attitude and work ethic were deep.
When I got home that night, my dad was quick to tell me how much he liked Coach and how proud he was of me. She could turn a critic into a champion.
That's one of so many stories of things I learned from Coach. Her drive, her insight, her laugh, her kindness, plus geometry. I am so grateful she was part of my story.

The above picture was when Coach and Rich took the team out for dinner after we lost our state tournament game my senior year. She was proud of us, despite the loss. If my memory serves, we lost in the first round to the team that would go on to win the tournament that year, Dike. They were a volleyball powerhouse, but Coach was a true believer. She always coached like we could beat anyone.
She will be much missed by her husband, son, and dog, and by the hundreds of young women she coached and mentored and supported for decades.