Another Arm Bites The Dust

Another Arm Bites The Dust

As a good dog parent, I walked my doggo down to the park to throw the ball around while Buds was on his Sunday family call. I put her on a long lead to be sure I could catch her if needed, and with my last throw of the morning, (Literally, I had just said, "This is the last one.") the last bit of the long lead, wet from the dewy grass, caught my ankle and dropped me on my outstretched left arm.

I knew immediately that I had broken it, not because it hurt, (Bless you, shock.) but because the wrist had a neat little dip and I could not move my hand.

I sat on the ground at the park, Mocha by my side, and called Buds and Yessa, the two people I knew were awake. Yessa ran out the door to get to me as quickly as she could while Buds had to hunt around for our new insurance card and the keys to the van.

Buster jumped in the van with Buds and the kids took Mocha home while we headed to the ER.

It was an exceptional experience. They took us back to a room quickly. Because it was so obvious that it was broken, the call for the orthopedic team was sent before I even had an X-ray, which meant the orthopedic PA was ready to see the X-ray results and came right on in to introduce herself and explain what would happen.

That's a break near the wrist.

Alex, the PA, was new to us, but she used to go to CrossFit Park Ave, and went to high school with Tyler, one of our coaches/owners, so we had much to discuss as the arm was reset.

Lidocaine going in.
The white band around my arm has a ten pound weight attached to traction the bones back into place.

Having my arm hanging down like this felt fantastic. Of course, the lidocaine, morphine, Tylenol, and Dilaudid probably helped.

Alex got me all bandaged up and we were ready to head home.

The protective Styrofoam is now called "the cheese cube" here at home.

Buds and I were back home four hours after I hit the ground. Buster and Yessa had cleaned the bathrooms, Yessa cooked up three different meals, Monkey helped me strip down out of my uncomfortable clothes...I could not ask for more loving, gentle support.

The friends Buds and I were going to have dinner with instead boxed it all up and brought it over. Enough food for several meals, and we've been loving it.

Lovingly labeled by Neely. 🥰🥰

After a bit of frustration and phone calls, I found an orthopedic surgeon who has availability. I'll meet with him on Friday, surgery to repair the break on Tuesday. All ready to be healing before Thanksgiving.

Thanks to family and friends, I'll be back to my regular life soon.