Nature Check

Nature Check
Just like the Grand Canyon

We used a perfect day to test a theory. Were we nature people? Does it nurture our souls?

The day was a perfect 74 degrees. The location, Letchworth State Park (the Grand Canyon of the East) just over an hour away. The plan, hike and reconnect and think.


Work your magic

A local Crossfit buddy was telling us of a family vacation in Norway where she wished she could hike seven hours everyday–it was just that beautiful. As we were building our list of places to go and see over the next half-decade, should we prioritize great natural beauty? In other words, should we visit Iceland?

Letchworth is a deep gorge filled with soaring vultures and filled with the faint roar of the twinkling river far below. There are falls and great iron bridges and rainbows made of spray. We were going to exercise some of the 60 miles of trails with an hour or so one way on the pink trail then an hour back.

We walked, and talked, and felt and waited for the angels.

We dowsed our hearts and waited for the twitch that didn't come.

For us, the stillness and beauty of this place can't match the burble of voices of a thousand people waiting for the sun to set over Porto. Of buskers playing and children running, and the screech and jangle of a passing streetcar.

Man-made gorge, sunset, Porto, Portugal

We wandered home on the back roads through small towns, past century homes both rich and ruined. A roadside pumpkin patch with honor payments provided this year's porch decoration. Going slow, you see things, like this cheesery offering raclette (one of Monkey's favorites).

A must stop

Foraging complete, we got home.

Home in time for math and philosophy